Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Cages for Guinea Pigs

Guinea pigs, being social creatures, do best kept in groups of two or more, but most readily available commercial cages are not large enough to house a pair of pigs. The "old" guideline of 2 square feet per guinea pig is considered out-of-date and cramped by many owners. Cavycages.com recommends 7.5 square feet for a single guinea pig and 10.5 feet for a pair. Even at that, if you can provide a bigger cage, your guinea pigs will benefit from the extra space. In many cases, a home made cage provides ample space inexpensively and you can make quite creative cages easily. These are usually a better choice than a cramped commercial guinea pig cage (more on home made cage ideas below).
Cage Style
Cages with wire floors or wire ramps must be avoided, but otherwise guinea pigs are not too demanding in what sort of cage they need. Cages with ramps and low plastic shelves or ledges provide some added interest for the guinea pig, but be careful they do not take away needed floor space for running laps. The spacing between the bars can be up to one inch for adults. Some owners have come up with very creative solutions to the problem of providing large enough housing. The good thing about guinea pigs is that they are fairly large and not all that big on climbing or chewing, and are not likely to climb or jump over a wall that is reasonable height (18 inches should contain most pigs). Several examples of clever cage solutions can be found on on the sites listed on "Top Sites with Home Made Guinea Pig Cage Ideas." The photos illustrate how a little creativity can go a long way to providing great guinea pig enclosures, especially for groups of guinea pigs if you have enough room. The "Cubes and Coroplast" style of cage has become very popular. Stay away from most of the cages marketed for guinea pigs as they are terribly small. There are really only a few commercial cages that approach a good cage size for guinea pigs; see "Top Guinea Pig Cages" for a selection of larger cages you can purchase online.
For bedding avoid cedar shavings and ideally pine as well. Aspen shavings are an acceptable choice, as is hay (a layer of paper underneath will help with absorbency). The newer recycled paper beddings are a good choice too, as are numerous other new types of pet-safe bedding and litter being made now. See "Top Ten Alternatives to Cedar Shavings" for more information and links to bedding manufacturers.
Nest Box
A nest box or hiding place is a necessity - an overturned plastic tub or pail, or a cardboard box are fine (the cardboard box can just be discarded if soiled and replaced). Large diameter PVC pipes (with thick walls) make good tunnels and hides too.
Toys such should be added for interest. Paper bags make good toys/hides, and crumpled paper, cardboard boxes, balls, wood blocks, hard plastic cat and rabbit toys, fleece tunnels, small fleece blankets, willow rabbit toys, and hanging bird toys might also interest your guinea pigs. Just make sure there are no small parts that might come off or get chewed off and swallowed.
Wheels and exercise balls are not recommended; many experts believe that guinea pig bodies are not designed for this kind of exercise and the risk of injury is too great. Try to provide exercise using other means.
Food Dishes and Water Bottle
For a food bowl, a heavy ceramic bowl is a good choice. To keep a good supply of clean water, use a water bottle with a steel spout and ball, rather than a water bowl. Keep in mind that guinea pigs tend to drink a lot (and some "play" with the bottles) so keep an eye on their water supply throughout the day and replenish as necessary. A small hay hopper can be added to keep a supply of clean hay for the guinea pigs to nibble.
The cage will likely need to be cleaned weekly or more often.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Top 10 beddings for Guinea Pigs

CareFRESH, manufactured from 100% wood pulp fiber, is a light weight, fluffy bedding. The Ultra version makes a great bedding; it is not very dusty (less so than original CareFresh) and it is very absorbent and soft. CareFresh Ultra is also more attractive than its original grey counterpart (Ultra is white but can also be found in colorful versions too). It is quite expensive but is my favorite pet bedding.

2. Yesterday's News

Made from recycled newspaper, Yesterday's News was first marketed as a cat litter and is now available in a softer, looser pellet designed as bedding, as well as specific ferret and rabbit litter. Yesterday's News is very absorbent and not very dusty so works great to keep odors down and it is also quite economical. However, on the down side it not very soft as bedding and it isn't all that attractive. I use the Cat Litter "Softer Texture" version, which is quite similar to the pet bedding in texture but less expensive than the pet bedding version where I shop.

Fresh World Bedding is made from recycled newspapers and magazines, with added baking soda for odor control. It has a slightly looser, softer texture than some other pelleted beddings, but is still very absorbent, has good odor control, and is not dusty. It comes as a basic grey with colored flecks in large packages, and colors (purple, pink) in smaller packages. The larger package is quite economical. Also biodegradable and eco-friendly.

4.  Kaytee Soft Sorbent

Kaytee Soft Sorbent is quite unique in it's texture -- it is comprised of roundish soft pellets made from wood fiber. It is very light and quite absorbent, and decent at odor control. I like the texture and the fact it is so light, but it is easy for animals to kick out of their cages because it is so light. There was also a big variation in quality between the bags I bought, with one having some very large pieces.

6. Eco-Straw Litter

This one I have not tried but have heard good things about it. These pellets are made from wheat straw and are said to absorb 300% of their weight in moisture. Dust free and heat treated to eliminate mites and other pests, this pellet from Oxbow Hay Company is completely biodegradable and can be composted or flushed down the toilet. Because it is made of natural fibres, it is also relatively safe if

7. Cell-Sorb Plus

A pelleted paper based product that is absorbent and pretty good at odor control (though I didn't find it quite as good as some others at odor control). The pellets are quite bulky in appearance but are not as firmly compacted as some other pelleted beddings or litter and they tend to soften and crumble a bit over time, but dustiness was not a problem. As with other grey paper based products Cell Sorb Plus isn't very attractive, but it does the job and is inexpensive.


8. Critter Country

A pelleted product made from winter wheat and other plant fibers, heat treated to kill fungus, molds and insects. This pellet sounds much like Eco Straw and is touted as being absorbent, dust free, and odor controlling. It is also biodegradable and can be composted or flushed (in small quantities, of course).

9. Aspen Supreme Pelleted Pet Bedding

A pelleted aspen product, also touted for its absorbency and odor control. The pellets are quite compacted and firm. I found the product to have a scent, which was "woody" and not unpleasant but I didn't care it much and wondered how strong it must have felt to the rats. They were absorbent and effective, though. This litter is also biodegradable and can be composted or used for mulch.


10. Kaytee Total Comfort

This is a soft bedding choice made from reclaimed wood fibres, this bedding has a nice texture because it so soft. However, I found it quite dusty especially by the end of the bag, and the odor control was average. It is quite economical and nice and soft, though. It can also be composted or used as mulch.